Wednesday, October 29, 2014


afternoon nap

as I watch over you

awareness raising


my dreams came true

reality unveils itself

where sunset meets sunrise


after the storm

at the edge of aeons ago

being there

fly away my dream

heart music

just before

knocking at heaven's door

magical revelations

mirroring my dreams

non-mathematical equations

on fire within

pondering deeply

roadmap to everywhere 

see the apple tree

the endless wheels of time

the story that has never been told

when all thoughts are gone


and then a star was born

be my guest

between the lines

buoyant cubes

call for freedom

coffee drinkers pay it forward

dig in

elementals in my garden

emotions from the sky

my art...

in the eyes of the beholder

just a tiny little bit

mum and dad's jiggle

obvious thought processes

off into the adventure

one with the stars

the colours of your smile

the next universe is just around the corner

the purpose of art...


wach auf wenn die Freude ruft (wake up when joy calls)

we shall meet again